Alces Booth

Alces Flight is headed to SC22 in Dallas, TX

After two years of connecting from afar we are excited to return with our full Flight Crew for SC22 — this year being held in Dallas, TX. Stop by and visit our exhibitor booth as we will be featuring a host of new products, including updates to our managed service offerings, as well as brand new releases for end users — all built to work on any platform.

We also are continuing our dedicated work within the HPC Community, returning to support the Early Career Program and Women in HPC. You might even see some of our team taking photos and filming as part of the the SC22 Communications Committee!

We will of course be giving away plenty of our coveted ‘moosecots’ — but also changing up how we give things away — allowing SC attendees the chance to give back to the global community.

Read on for more details!

New Alces Booth — #4300

This year we’re able to fully take advantage of a new, bigger booth space in Dallas. You’ll be able to find us on the right side of the exhibit halls at the front entrance. Our booth will feature two demo stations, a donation wall (more on that below), and a chance to win prizes!


This year at SC we’ll be featuring products built for any size HPC project. Whether it’s managed services you are after, sustainable HPC management you want to develop, or if you are an end user wishing to get going in your research, we’ll have a host of demonstrations available. We’ll also be visiting our partner booths to showcase how best to leverage their products and services, as well as discussing our client case studies.

You can see our schedule as it comes together here, but if you have specific requirements you can always get in touch.


This year we’ll be launching a series of games at SC22 to win our coveted moosecot! Each day we will host live and play-at-your-pace games with the top finishers walking away with their own plush moosecot. We’ll also be launching our first ever limited edition pin, and of course handing out plenty of our laptop stickers. You don’t have to be an expert in HPC to play!

Details on the moose swag can be found here.


We understand that our community is collectively taking a deeper look at creating a more sustainable world for HPC. While Alces has always taken a rigorous stance on ensuring as much of what we do in our work leaves a green footprint, we also realise that this should extend to our conferences. That’s why this year we’ve cut back on giveaways and are donating across four charities that relate directly to our client’s work in HPC. You can help by watching our demos and participating in our games. The charities we have selected are:

We’ll be creating a wall highlighting those charities at our booth. We welcome anyone attending to drop in and show your support. Help us make a difference!

HPC Community

As always, we continue to balance the business we do in HPC with continued community involvement. This year we’ll be part of:

  • Early Career: Catch us on the panels discussing careers and work transitions on November 14th.
  • Women in HPC: We’ll be presenting at this year’s workshop, as well as participating in Diversity Day.
  • SC22 Communications: Our team members will be capturing SC moments with the SC film and photography crew. Check out the Twitter and Instagram pages we help run!

We’ll also be showcasing our Open Source project, OpenFlightHPC, at the Exhibitor Forum on November 16th.

Full schedule of events is coming soon — we look forward to seeing you online or in-person in Dallas!

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