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Highlights from Alces Flight at ISC’24

From the launch of Flight Alliance to valuable insights from our HPC community, dive into all the highlights of ISC’24 in Hamburg, Germany. 

The Flight Crew joined over 3,000 attendees at ISC24 in Hamburg meeting customers keen to develop their HPC and AI systems further. Hot topics included which GPU technologies work best for customer workloads now more choice of platforms is available; how new users can be onboarded to HPC and AI facilities quickly and easily; and the costs and benefits of hosting your HPC or AI cluster in dedicated data-centres equipped with the latest sustainable power and cooling technologies. This conference reinforced our commitment to innovation and community engagement as we joined the WHPC group to help champion diversity through inclusive working and hire practices.

Introducing Flight Alliance

One of the highlights of ISC’24 was the introduction of our newly established Flight Alliance. This collaborative initiative brings together customers, suppliers, and data centres to create a sustainable future for HPC. Members of the alliance can run secure, flexible, and portable HPC and AI workloads with tools designed to measure, control, and report on carbon usage. Our fully managed services allow you to focus on optimising performance, educating users, and reporting on carbon sustainable metrics. Missed our presentation at ISC? Reach out to us to learn more about how Flight Alliance can benefit your organisation

Carbon Leaderboard

We launched our Carbon Leaderboard platform, this initiative promotes knowledge-sharing about the carbon efficiency of HPC and AI facilities. By participating, attendees could discover and share best practices for responsible energy consumption, highlighting the importance of sustainability in our industry.

Showcasing Emerging Talent in HPC at the Solution Forum Takeover

We were pleased to return to the Solution Forum stage on May 13th during the Exhibitor Gala to host the Women in HPC (WHPC) Solution Forum Takeover.  Over two hours the ISC attendees had the opportunity to listen to career and technical talks from distinguished members of the community alongside emerging talent.  This mix of experience and insight gave attendees an up close opportunity to engage with the next generation of talent in HPC, and offered deep insight into how career paths have been built by some of the leaders of our field.

Special thanks to Ian Colle of AWS and Emma Barnes of the University of York who provided our session keynotes.

‘Our Money, Your Choice’: Continuing Our Charity Initiative

Our ‘Our Money, Your Choice’ campaign, which began at SC ‘23 in Denver, continues to make an impact at ISC’24. This initiative supports global charities dedicated to making a significant difference in their fields. Attendees who visited our booth earned Flight Tokens, which they could then donate to one of four selected charities: 

We are excited to continue this tradition at future events and expand our charitable initiatives to other HPC conferences. We want to thank everyone who participated and supported our efforts to make a positive impact. 

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