Moving the Needle Towards a More Diverse Future

As the High-Performance Computing (HPC) industry continues to evolve at a rapid pace, with rising complexity and a need for nuance and greater understanding, the importance of equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility (EDIA) has become evident.  Diversity and inclusion are no longer just buzzwords, they are now critical components for fostering creativity, innovation and ensuring long-term success in HPC. 

At the centre of these efforts is the year-long “Move the Needle” project, aiming to spotlight the importance of inclusivity in the workplace. By embracing diversity in all its forms, the High-Performance Computing industry can break new ground and achieve greater heights. But how can we truly advance these goals and support individuals from underrepresented backgrounds?

The Challenges of Inclusivity in HPC

Despite the growing recognition of diversity’s value, achieving genuine inclusivity in High-Performance Computing remains a significant challenge. Various studies, conferences, and surveys highlight the ongoing struggles, underscoring the urgency to address these issues. 

The “Move the Needle” project highlights several key areas for improvement:

Staffing and Retention: Revamping hiring practices, improving job descriptions, and clearly designing career trajectories can help attract and retain diverse talent. By rethinking HR strategies, particularly around the how, when, and where we work organisations can create a more supportive environment for all employees.

Engagement and Mentorship: Fostering mentorship, advocacy and allyship is crucial. The rise of roles like Community Manager and Research Software Engineer illustrates the growing importance of ‘bridge building’ careers now developing within the community.  Further, balancing the ‘hard’ technical skills with the ‘soft’ engagement skills is now being seen as the path to follow – as it invites greater openness to new ideas and insights.

Long-Term Impact: Sustainability isn’t just about the environment, it’s also about creating a workplace culture that supports diversity for the long haul. Having a clear understanding of your company’s culture is the first step towards identifying gaps and ensuring that inclusion becomes a sustainable practice. 

Moving the Needle Forward

Creating an inclusive space for individuals from underrepresented backgrounds is not just a moral obligation, it’s essential for driving the innovation and creativity that powers the HPC industry. By understanding current challenges, breaking barriers, and committing to chance, High-Performance Computing can harness the full potential of its talent pool. The journey toward greater inclusivity and diversity is ongoing, but with dedicated efforts that can range from small to big steps, we as a community can thrive.

The second half of the Move the Needle project is now underway – with even more lessons and best practices to gather.  You can check out our halfway report here, or join in our live sessions planned for Sustainable Reality on September 25, 2024 or CIUK on December 6, 2024.

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